Why do we need to take a break from eating? There is a new science behind intermittent fasting (IF) that has been taking over the wellness world. Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern, where you don’t eat for certain periods of time each day. When you wake up in the morning, for example, you might not eat breakfast or lunch, but rather only drink water or other drinks like herbal tea or coffee. This has been shown to help reduce body weight, improve blood sugar levels and even slow down aging.
Intermittent fasting is one of the most popular new eating styles.
Intermittent fasting is a way of eating that was once common in traditional cultures, but has recently become popular. It's not just about skipping meals; you can do intermittent fasting in many different ways, including:
Eating for 8 hours every day and then fasting for 16 hours per day
Eating at set times throughout the day and fasting overnight
The goal of this article is to explain how this process works so you can decide if it’s right for you.
Here are some common misconceptions about fasting.
Myth: You won't starve to death if you don't eat for 16 hours.
Fact: The idea that fasting is dangerous and can lead to death is a myth. In fact, it's not even possible to go several days without eating or drinking water because our bodies need nutrients in order to function properly (and they're all stored in our fat cells). When we fast, the body stores up its own energy reserves so that it can continue functioning normally until food arrives again.
Myth: Women shouldn't fast because of their reproductive system.
Fact: Fasting does not affect fertility in any way—if anything it may help with weight loss by reducing oestrogen levels and increasing testosterone production!

It can help you lose weight and get healthier.
I bet you're thinking, “Yeah, but what about the risks?”
The answer is that intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and get healthier. Not only does it have been shown to reduce body fat and improve insulin sensitivity, but it also helps prevent cancer cells from dividing (the same way that chemotherapy drugs do). In one study on mice with colon cancer, researchers found that when they put them on an intermittent fasting diet for two weeks before chemo treatment they were able to shrink tumors by up to 50%. And in another study published in Cell Metabolism which tested 129 people with metabolic syndrome over six months while they fasted intermittently every other day or ate normally between meals (their energy consumption was kept constant), those who did both methods had significantly lower blood pressure levels than those who only did one thing at a time—though neither group improved their lipid profile significantly (meaning their HDL cholesterol went down despite having high LDL cholesterol).
You will not starve yourself to death if you don’t eat for 16 hours.
You may be wondering, “If 16 hours is a long time, how can I survive it?” The answer is simple: You won't starve or die. However, you will be hungry for the first few days. If you're like most people who fast every now and again (or every day), then your body will adjust over time and no longer need food to function properly. Your body will become accustomed to not eating for extended periods of time—and if you go too long without eating anything at all for four days straight, then yes: It does get a little weird sometimes when your stomach starts growling uncontrollably after dinner! But don't worry too much about this—just drink plenty of water and other non-caloric liquids during your fasts so that you don't dehydrate yourself unnecessarily!
There are many different ways to fast, and some people don’t even know that their diet is intermittent fasting.
The method you choose to fast depends on your needs and lifestyle. There are many different ways to fast, and some people don't even know that their diet is intermittent fasting.
There are many different ways to fast:
Water fasting (also called water loading). This type of fasting involves drinking large amounts of water for a few days before starting the actual fast. It can help flush out toxins from your body and increase energy levels by increasing blood volume, which reduces hunger cravings during the first part of your fast. It also helps with weight loss because it keeps you full longer than other types of intermittent fasting do.* Juice fasting or sprouted grain/vegetable juice blend-based smoothies consist primarily of vegetables but also add fruits such as applesauce so they have more sweetness than plain vegetable juices.* Lean protein shakes made with casein protein powder (milk) instead regular whey isolate which has less fat but still contains 25 grams per serving without any artificial sweeteners added unlike its counterpart called 'lean' which only has 20 grams per serving without any artificial sweeteners added either!
It’s easy to incorporate into your life even if you have a jam-packed schedule.

Intermittent fasting is not just for athletes or people who are very busy. It’s easy to incorporate into your life even if you have a jam-packed schedule, and the benefits are well worth it. The best part is that it doesn’t take a lot of time at all—just one day out of seven
days each week!
If you want to learn more about intermittent fasting and how it can affect your life, check out our article on the top 10 myths about this nutrition trend. You might also be interested in reading our blog post on the science behind intermittent fasting.
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Mr D, your online PE Buddy