When monitoring physical activity OR creating a fitness program, how do you ensure that you are continually challenging and improving your fitness?
The answer is the F.I.T.T Training Principles!
What are the F.I.T.T Training Principles? Elements that we can change to ensure progress. This is also known as progressive overload, the idea that we need to progressively make our training more difficult over time as our body adapts to the workload. This helps reduce performance plateaus and allows improvement to continue. Ps, check out this video to learn how the F.I.T.T principles fall within the S.P.O.R.T principles!
So, what does F.I.T.T stand for?
★ FREQUENCY - "How often"
How many times per day or week are you training?
Monday - Rest
Tuesday - Training
Wednesday - Rest
Thursday - Training
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Game day
Sunday - Recovery session
Training frequency = 2
Workload frequency = 3 (Including game day)
★ INTENSITY - "How hard?"
How hard are you working? From 0-100% effort
Measure using:
Heart rate:
Objective measure
60-80 bpm (beats per minute) = average person resting
MHR (Max Heart Rate) = 220 - age
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion)
Subjective measure
0 = resting
10 = most difficult thing you've ever done
★ TIME - "How long?"
How long are you training? Seconds, minutes or hours?
Warm up - 10 minutes
Main session - 40 minutes
Cool-down - 10 minutes
Total = 60 minutes
★ TYPE - "What kind?"
What kind of training are you doing?
Learn more about Types of Training with this video:
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Thanks legends!
Mr D, your online PE Buddy