Lesson Plan: Touch Rugby Session
Objective: To introduce students to the basic skills and rules of touch rugby and promote teamwork, communication, agility, and fitness.
Equipment Needed:
Cones or markers for field boundaries
Rugby balls
Stopwatch or timer
Warm-up (10 minutes):
Start with a light jog around the field to warm up the muscles.
Follow with dynamic stretches, including arm swings, lunges, high knees, and leg swings.
Finish the warm-up with a brief game of tag, where students try to touch each other without running.
Introduction to Touch Rugby (10 minutes):
Gather students in a circle and explain the basic rules and objectives of touch rugby.
Explain that the objective is to score points by advancing the ball towards the opponent's try line.
Emphasize the importance of fair play, sportsmanship, and respecting the spirit of the game.
Discuss the basic rules, such as no tackling or physical contact, and the concept of "touches" as a means to stop the attacking player.
Introduce terms such as "try line," "scrum-half," "ruck," and "maul."
2. Demonstrate proper passing, catching, and evasive techniques, and emphasize the importance of communication and teamwork.
Skill Development (20 minutes):
Divide the class into pairs or small groups and provide each group with a rugby ball.
Set up a designated area using cones or markers to establish boundaries.
Practice passing and catching skills, focusing on accuracy and communication.
Have students pass the ball to their partners using both hands, practicing both short and long passes.
Encourage proper technique, such as passing with a firm grip and using the fingertips.
Practice evasive techniques, such as sidestepping and swerving, to avoid being touched by the defender
2. Rotate partners and allow students to practice different roles and positions.
Game Play (15 minutes):
Divide the class into two teams and set up a small-sided touch rugby game (e.g., 6 vs. 6) on a designated field.
Enforce the touch rules, where a defender must touch the ball carrier with both hands to make a valid touch.
Emphasize the importance of passing, communication, and creating space on the field.
Encourage teamwork and strategic play, focusing on maintaining possession and advancing the ball towards the try line.
Play multiple short games to allow students to practice their skills and experience different game situations.
Cool-down and Reflection (5 minutes):
Lead students through a cool-down routine, including static stretches for the major muscle groups used during the session.
Gather students in a circle and discuss their experiences and observations during the session.
Ask students about their strengths, challenges, and strategies they employed during the games.
Encourage students to reflect on how communication and teamwork contributed to their success.
Note: Adjust the duration of each activity based on the available class time and the skill level of the students. Ensure the safety of the students by providing clear instructions and monitoring the game play closely. Additionally, remind students to respect and adhere to the rules of touch rugby to prevent any unnecessary physical contact.