Are you fit?
How do you know? What are you measuring?
Well, there are 11 Fitness Components that we can measure to determine if someone is fit or not. These all have specific tests that are commonly done in schools, sport and gyms.
Let's Define our Terms
What is fitness?
"The state or condition of being fit"
How many things can we test?
11 Fitness Components
Why Test Fitness?
Collect baseline data
Compare students/athletes
Check for improvement
Increase motivation

1.Cardiorespiratory Fitness
This relies on the heart and lungs and involves long distance exercise
Test = The Beep Test
2. Muscular Strength
This relies on muscles being able to lift very heavy weight
Test = 1rm squat OR pistol squat
3. Muscular Endurance
This relies on muscles being able to do a movement over and over again
Test = maximum push up or sit up test
4. Flexibility
This relies on muscles and joints being able to move in a full range of motion
Test = Sit and reach or finger touch test
5. Body composition
This is about the amount of muscle and fat your body has
Test = skin folds or BMI
6. Agility
This is about being able to move your body quickly
Test = Illinois Agility
7. Balance This is about being able to maintain your body in one position
Test = stork stand
8. Power
This is about explosive movements
Test = vertical jump or broad jump
9. Speed This is about moving quickly
Test = 20 metre sprint
10. Coordination
This is about being able to do multiple things at once
Example: AHWT test
11. Reaction Time This is about reacting quickly to something.
Example: ruler drop test
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Mr D, your online PE Buddy